Ready to Optimize
EAM Performance
With User Education
Learning Lifecycle
Whether implementing, optimizing, or extending your Aptean EAM software, your users' education needs vary during different phases of your EAM lifecycle. Our learning strategy will help you gain Aptean EAM proficiency—beyond simply working knowledge—in order to become certified and help you gain the most out of your EAM software investment.
Our learning solutions are focused on educating technical and functional users during the software implementation phase. With training delivered onsite or in Aptean EAM training centers, your project team will be able to get Aptean EAM software configured and running optimally in no time.
As you extend your solution by upgrading Aptean EAM or adding on new functionality to your existing software solution, the Aptean EAM Academy is here for your further education.
Certification Program
Aptean EAM Academy provides a step-by-step training program that allows users to become an Aptean EAM Certified User, Certified Professional or Certified Expert. Our courses pave the way to becoming certified in the various Aptean EAM roles. In order to achieve certification, you must pass a final course exam. This exam will test you on the knowledge gained throughout the training curriculum. In order to get the most out of the training, you will need to follow the designated path to gain the necessary knowledge to pass the exam.
When planning your Aptean EAM training, course schedules have been designed to make it easy for you to find the right course level based on what role you have in your company. Complete the listed variety of courses and you will shortly become certified with Aptean EAM.

Level 1
Basic Courses

Level 2
Detailed Courses

Level 3
Advanced Courses
Register Now
Please use this form to register for one of our courses. To get a detailed description of the course you are interested in, please click on the course number above.