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User-Friendly Dairy Software Tailored to Your Industry Challenges

You’re juggling complex production processes, strict safety standards and stringent quality tests—all while trying to optimise efficiency and grow your business.

Let us take some of the burden.

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Our Software for

Dairy Businesses

With our dairy software, you can accurately determine costs through catch weight to improve inventory valuation, keep track of product components for class development and effectively account for input-based production.
Dairy ERP
With tailored features to tackle your dairy-specific challenges—from pricing products using catch weight to allergen management—our dairy ERP has you covered.
Food and Beverage TMS
Take the complexity out of managing your transportation operation and run your fleet using fewer miles, fewer trucks and fewer drivers.
Food and Beverage PLM
Food and Beverage EAM
Food and Beverage OEE
Aptean Business Intelligence

Conquer your challenges

with specialised solutions

and a by-your-side partner

We know your industry inside out. Which is why we’ve designed dairy software with the capabilities to solve your specific challenges—ensuring you’re Ready for What’s Next, Now®.

Catch Weight

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Catch Weight

The challenge

Working with variable-weight products forces you to sell by the unit but price by weight. Calculating this “catch weight” may be confusing, yet it’s crucial for maximising your margin and ensuring accurate cost-of-goods-sold (COGS) calculations.

The solution

Capture the catch weight of your products on an item-level, track the values end-to-end throughout your supply chain and fully automate catch weight calculations without any manual intervention; plus, you can establish acceptable variability thresholds.

See more on catch weight


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The challenge

How do you comply with ever-changing food safety regulations, pass mock traceability audits for larger retailers and ensure overall food safety without forfeiting efficiency?

The solution

With software designed for your challenges—that’s how. Our dairy software includes advanced traceability, recall and preventative functionality to set you up for success.

See more on traceability

Quality Control

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Quality Control

The challenge

Without the right tools to help you control processes, it can seem impossible to adhere to strict regulations, package requirements and food safety standards.

The solution

Set up mandatory quality audits and scoresheets at every step of the production cycle—and take the guesswork out of product consistency, integrity and safety.

See more on quality control

Reporting & Analytics

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Reporting & Analytics

The challenge

Manual spreadsheet-based reporting has a long list of drawbacks and often results in you burning time looking for data instead of gleaning actionable insights.

The solution

With our analytics tools, you can create robust, customisable reports—empowering you to make smarter, more accurate decisions across your business.

See more on reporting and analytics

Manufacturing & Production

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Manufacturing & Production

The challenge

Your production operation has many moving parts—from R&D and costing to planning and batch processing. It can be tough to keep track and remain in control.

The solution

With our specialised features, you can manage it all quickly and simply. Boosting efficiency in every step of production, from R&D and costing to planning and batch processing.

See more on manufacturing and production

Warehousing & Inventory

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Warehousing & Inventory

The challenge

Flawed inventory management and warehousing processes can lead to huge losses. From write-offs to excess waste, without the right tools, your bottom line can really suffer.

The solution

Enter Aptean. Our dairy management software helps you manage picks, putaways, packing and shipping to keep track of inventory and streamline processes. Ultimately, saving you money.

See more on warehousing and inventory

Plant Maintenance

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Plant Maintenance

The challenge

Downtime. Unexpected maintenance. Underutilisation. Without the right monitoring tools, your assets can cause you a variety of headaches.

The solution

Our solutions remove these challenges by allowing you to monitor equipment performance, maintenance schedules, sanitation and changeovers easily.

See more on plant maintenance and OEE

Contract Manufacturing

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Contract Manufacturing

The challenge

Demand exceeds what you can produce; engaging a contract manufacturer becomes more attractive. You worry that your product quality will suffer; tracking your products becomes more challenging.

The solution

Our ERP system allows you to continue tracking and tracing your full supply chain end-to-end – even when using a contract manufacturer. Enact inspection statuses when you receive product back and even access key operational metrics across 500+ KPIs.

See more on contract manufacturing

Product Pricing

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Product Pricing

The challenge

Many generic ERP solutions are limiting in their ability to accommodate pricing scenarios typically found in the food and beverage industry. And, if they can, they often need lots of workarounds, modules and add-ons just to get the basics done correctly.

The solution

Implement hierarchal pricing, use both percentage-based and dollar amount discounting schemes, differentiate discount setups by sell-to customer and ship-to address, and even use shipment date or requested/promised delivery date for price calculations.

Start transforming your dairy business today

If you’re ready to take your operation to the next level, we’d love to help.

Glass of chocolate milk