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An Electronic Proof of Delivery System Could Mean Big Benefits for Your Large Fleet

An Electronic Proof of Delivery System Could Mean Big Benefits for Your Large Fleet


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An Electronic Proof of Delivery System Could Mean Big Benefits for Your Large Fleet

25 Jun 2020

Manog Tseung
semitrucks at sunset

While inefficiencies can often escape unnoticed in a smaller fleet, in a large operation they can quickly mount up and create big problems.

But happily, in the same way that inefficiencies are proportionate to the size of your fleet, so are the benefits of electronic proof of delivery software. Not only do the savings and efficiencies scale, there are other, sometimes unexpected, benefits.

The effects of the current COVID-19 crisis on your operations may have prompted you to consider technology that will give you greater control and improve efficiency for your large fleet. Or perhaps your operation has recently grown, and opportunities for improvement have become more apparent. Whatever your business objectives, implementing an advanced electronic proof of delivery system that offers a wide range of features, configurable data-capture options and various integration methods can help you achieve measurable benefits on day one, no matter the size of your mobile workforce.

Here are three of the top benefits your large or complex fleet can achieve with proof of delivery software:

Remove paperwork and manual processes to improve efficiency.

Replacing paperwork with clear, step-by-step protocols to follow on an electronic proof of delivery app means that drivers tend to get their delivery tasks completed faster. This opens up the possibility of adding more jobs to each route, or of expanding your service offering using only your current resources, for example, by offering furniture installation as well as delivery.

Further, you don’t have to wait for drivers to return to base with the paperwork, or for office-based staff to manually enter data into the relevant system. An electronic proof of delivery system provides accurate and detailed data in real-time. Not only does this remove the manual data entry process, but it can also speed up billing, customer service follow-up and inventory management. Multiply these efficiencies across a large fleet and you’re looking at huge savings in time, money and hassle.

Enforce consistency across large and complex delivery operations.

When you only have a small number of drivers to manage, it’s relatively easy to make sure they are delivering a consistent service. But, once numbers increase, it gets much more difficult, particularly if drivers are spread across multiple depots, or you are using part-time, temporary or contract staff to boost resources. Therefore, there is a significant benefit to be gained from having centrally controlled processes presented to all drivers in a consistent, step-by-step manner via an electronic proof of delivery app.

Whether these are proof-of-delivery, operational or compliance processes, you can ensure the data you need is captured consistently across your entire fleet. For example, you may wish to require each driver to complete a vehicle checklist at the start of their shift, or want to enforce consistent accident reporting protocols.

When you’re working at scale, ensuring consistency is almost impossible to achieve with manual or less advanced electronic proof of delivery systems.

Manage different skill groups or customer contracts efficiently.

While all fleets are likely to need drivers to follow consistent processes at times, depending on the structure of your large fleet, you may have certain driver groups or products that require differentiated processes. A proof of delivery system can provide you with the flexibility to tailor processes to suit your fleet best.

For example, an operation could guide its delivery teams to present customer survey forms following a completed job, while the installation drivers may need to complete a risk assessment before starting a job. This functionality is also ideal for third-party logistics providers, enabling them to manage multi-client requirements. An advanced electronic proof of delivery application can present the driver with the correct delivery processes, depending on which client the job is allocated to, even if the driver is delivering on behalf of multiple clients in one route.

Using an electronic proof of delivery system offers you the ability to centrally control and implement a variety of delivery processes, making it easier to manage the day to day execution of your large or complex fleet. It also ensures you receive all the necessary data in order to improve your operations on an ongoing basis.

A large fleet doesn’t need to mean a complicated implementation

You may be concerned that, precisely because you have a large operation, implementing an electronic proof of delivery system will be complicated, or even get in the way of current operations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Paragon’s electronic proof of delivery system, fleXipod, can be adopted in a scalable fashion, and is easy for users to understand and adopt. The fleXipod app can be downloaded onto any Android device, making BYOD (bring your own device) programs easy to implement, and allowing temporary staff to use it quickly with little or no training.

Following project sign-off, all you need to do is work with Paragon to define your business requirements, fill out our configuration questionnaire, and organize your preferred integration method. We will do the rest. Our team will configure your environment and conduct any training that you need.

The advantages are clear. We have designed the fleXipod solution to be as flexible as possible, and taken care to ensure that it scales for even the largest of fleets, ensuring you can reap the expected benefits from day one.

Find out more today about how Paragon’s fleXipod system can bring big benefits to your big fleet.

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