Aptean Insights
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- eBook 18 Nov 2024Food & Beverage 2025: Das sind die Trends für Wachstum und Effizienz!Dieser Bericht beschreibt die wichtigsten Trends, analysiert die zugrunde liegenden Daten und liefert der Leserschaft praktisch umsetzbare Erkenntnisse – für die täglichen Arbeitsabläufe ebenso wie für strategische Entscheidungen.
- eBook 2 Mai 2024Expertenrunde: Belastbarkeit der Lieferkette und NotfallplanungEntdecken Sie, wie fast 75 % der Lebensmittel- und Getränkehersteller unerwartete Verluste aufgrund von Unterbrechungen der Lieferkette durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Risikobewertungs- und Notfallplanungstools reduzieren.
- Routing & Scheduling Optimization
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- Blog Post 6 Aug 2024Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing Truck Route Optimization SoftwareMake the most of your investment in route planning software by avoiding common pitfalls such as underestimating customer support or overlooking scalability.
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- Blog Post 1 Aug 2024Driving Towards a Greener Future: Sustainable Logistics With the Right TMSFind out how a transportation management system (TMS) can help you drive toward sustainability goals while reducing operational costs.
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- Blog Post 10 Juni 2024Electronic Proof of Delivery Software: Your Definitive GuideWant to boost efficiency and enhance service in your delivery operation, but don’t know where to start with ePOD software? Here’s everything you need to know.
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- eBook 2 Mai 2024Expertenrunde: Belastbarkeit der Lieferkette und NotfallplanungEntdecken Sie, wie fast 75 % der Lebensmittel- und Getränkehersteller unerwartete Verluste aufgrund von Unterbrechungen der Lieferkette durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Risikobewertungs- und Notfallplanungstools reduzieren.
- News 29 März 2024Pathway to End-to-End VisibilityLearn from leading representatives from the analyst, vendor and end-user communities about many of the current key talking points and areas of innovation taking place within the world of transportation management solutions.
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- Video 21 März 2024Address Five Logistics Pain Points With Aptean SoftwareFrom optimizing route planning and carrier management to enhancing visibility and cost control, the right software equips your organization with the tools needed to drive measurable growth throughout your entire company.
- Blog Post 15 März 2024Warum die digitale Transformation in der Lebensmittelindustrie unabdingbar und dringend istLassen Sie sich von Ihren Mitbewerbern nicht abhängen – finden Sie heraus, warum Sie Ihre Strategie zur digitalen Transformation in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkebranche jetzt beschleunigen müssen.
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- Blog Post 29 Feb 2024Distribution and Delivery: 5 Strategic Priorities for 2024As the demands of this year fully set in, it’s time to look at how an advanced TMS can help you tackle your top five priorities and drive success.
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- eBook 20 Feb 2024Aptean Transportation: Customer Success StoriesWe’ve collected several compelling customer success stories from clients to showcase how Aptean’s routing and scheduling solutions help businesses boost efficiency and save on transportation costs. Download today.
- eBook 12 Feb 2024Distribution and Delivery: 5 Strategic Priorities for 2024To help you focus resources and prioritize changes that will make your distribution operation more efficient (without compromising quality of service), Aptean has identified five strategic priorities for the year ahead.
- News 6 Feb 2024In Person Interview: Jim Endres of ApteanRead this QA with Aptean's own Jim Endres as he discusses the benefits of good transportation management tools and how they help companies gain better visibility over their shipments and assure accurate payments.
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- Blog Post 30 Jan 2024Transform Your Fleet Operations With These 3 Transportation Management SolutionsLooking to slash fleet costs? Elevate your customer service game? Transform your logistics operation? Find out how with advanced tools built for the job.
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- Erfolgsgeschichte 11 Dez 2023Aptean Routing & Scheduling Case Study: AOIn pursuit of better operational excellence, AO found their answers in Aptean’s cloud-based route planning software. Our platform not only alleviated maintenance woes but also introduced AO to a plethora of advanced features.
- eBook 17 Nov 2023Logistics Resource Management: Optimizing Your Drivers, Fleet and Delivery RoutesDiscover our suite of transport management solutions that work together to effectively manage your resources while facilitating rapid, reliable last-mile delivery.
- Erfolgsgeschichte 18 Okt 2023Aptean Routing & Scheduling Case Study: Wren KitchensWren Kitchens needed a solution that would provide real-time visibility and tracking capabilities to effectively manage its transportation and delivery operations. Enter Aptean. Learn more, now.
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