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Bereit für ein vollständiges ERP-System für den Vertrieb

Aptean Distribution ERP verwaltet alle Vorgänge, die Sie zur Beschleunigung des Wachstums Ihres Konsumgüterimport- oder Distributionsgeschäfts benötigen.  

Dank einer zentralen Informationsquelle und besserer Effizienz können Sie Ihren Gewinn steigern und der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus sein.

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Alle notwendigen Funktionen

in einer Cloud-basierten Lösung

Features and Deployment For Your Specific Needs

Aptean Distribution ERP has been built from the ground up to solve the challenges of consumer goods importers and distributors. The system streamlines and optimizes your entire supply chain with built-in functionality such as embedded EDI, retail compliance management, long lead time forecasting and chargeback management tools. To suit your business even further, our distribution ERP can be deployed either in the cloud or on-premise, with our team on hand to help streamline implementation.

Backed By Experts In Your Corner

Behind our products is a knowledgeable and dedicated team that understands your business and its unique challenges. Our ERP specialists provide reviews and analysis to ensure your business processes are aligned with industry best practices. Plus, we offer flexible support options that let you choose the level and type of support you need to best meet your unique business needs. So you don’t need to rely on third party support—Aptean has you covered.

Direktversand an Kunden (DTC)

Der Versandmanager des Aptean Distribution ERP unterstützt eine nahtlose Integration aller wichtigen Transportunternehmen (UPS, FedEx, USPS usw.) und ermöglicht eine integrierte Versandtarifabfrage sowie eine Überprüfung von Adressen.

EDI Managed Services

Mit den vollständig in das Aptean Distribution ERP-System integrierten EDI Managed Services überwacht und verwaltet unser EDI-Team die täglichen EDI-Prozesse und -Transaktionen (einschließlich Mapping), um sicherzustellen, dass alles reibungslos abläuft. Auf diese Weise müssen Sie sich keine Sorgen mehr machen und können sich stattdessen auf die Führung Ihres Unternehmens konzentrieren.

Ein ERP, das für wirtschaftliche Erfolge heute und in Zukunft ausgelegt ist

Es wird Zeit, sich von arbeitsintensiven Prozessen zu verabschieden. Von veralteten Systemen. Von aufwändigen Anpassungen und Plug-ins von Drittanbietern.  

Um sich auf dem heutigen Markt zu behaupten, brauchen Sie eine innovative, voll integrierte Software, die Ihr Unternehmenswachstum beschleunigt und nicht ausbremst. 

Genau hier kommt Aptean Distribution ERP ins Spiel. Unser System ist so konzipiert, dass es Ihre branchenspezifischen Anforderungen standardmäßig erfüllt. So sparen Sie Zeit und Geld, ohne Abstriche bei der Leistungsfähigkeit zu machen.  

Zudem arbeitet unser kompetentes Team täglich mit Unternehmen wie dem Ihren zusammen, wodurch wir Ihnen auf der Grundlage Ihrer spezifischen Anforderungen die besten Empfehlungen der Branche geben können. 

Sind Sie bereit, die Transparenz, Effizienz und den Gewinn Ihres Unternehmens zu steigern?

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Mann arbeitet an einer Maschine

Unlock Distribution-Specific Features and Get the Aptean Advantage

If you’re researching ERP solutions for distribution businesses like yours, you may feel overwhelmed by all the alternatives in the market. Requesting quotes from vendors is one of the ways to find out more about the different options and costs.

You have specialized processes in your distribution business, and you need specialized tools to manage them. If you’re not familiar with distribution ERP platforms, you may have questions about what makes one solution superior to another.

You’re going to need quantitative information to compare them. Start here with this blog post, to find out how requesting quotes fits into the entire process and how best to use it.

Mehr erfahren
Teamarbeit im Büro mit Headsets.

Ready to Serve Your Industry

Our knowledgeable team works with businesses like yours every day, meaning we can provide industry-best recommendations based on your specific requirements.

Home Furnishings

Home Furnishings

We understand the unique business challenges of running a home furnishings business

Whether it is sourcing materials, forecasting inventory and sales, or dealing with retailer compliance issues, our software, Aptean Distribution ERP, is tailored to help home furnishings distributors every step of the way.

ERP for Home Furnishings
Sammlung von Vasen

Housewares and Giftware

Housewares and Giftware

We understand the challenges of running your housewares and giftware supply chain

Our Aptean Distribution ERP solution is built for the way housewares and giftware companies run their business. You have unique challenges such as monitoring overseas suppliers, retailer compliance mandates and forecasting for long lead times.

ERP for Housewares and Giftware

Sporting Goods and Toys

Sporting Goods and Toys

From production through retail delivery, we help sporting goods and toy companies improve their entire supply chain

We work with sporting goods and toy companies to simplify complex supply chain requirements, improve bottom lines and increase team productivity integrated all into a single ERP software solution.

ERP for Sporting Goods and Toys
Verschiedene Arten von Lippenstift

Health and Beauty

Health and Beauty

You face many unique challenges, such as retailer compliance issues, managing long lead times and monitoring production schedules

Aptean Distribution ERP enables health and beauty importers and distributors to improve supply chain visibility, agility and collaboration across their entire supply chain.

ERP for Health and Beauty

Luggage and Travel

Luggage and Travel

Long lead times, invoice deduction management and retailer compliance mandates are challenges you face in getting products to market

Many luggage and travel accessories companies have general or homegrown ERP software in place that does not provide consumer goods specific functionality to help them compete and win in their industry.

ERP for Luggage and Travel
Waschmaschine mit offener Tür

Consumer Electronics and Appliances

Consumer Electronics and Appliances

You face long lead times, retailer compliance issues, tracking high-value products and other unique issues

Aptean Distribution ERP is a fully integrated solution that helps appliance and consumer electronics distributors simplify complex supply chain requirements, improve bottom lines and increase team productivity.

ERP for Consumer Electronics and Appliances
Stapel gefalteter T-Shirts

Apparel and Textiles

Apparel and Textiles

You need to have the right tools in place to efficiently run everything from production through retail delivery

We create apparel and textiles specific distribution software that works the way you run your business. Our software is used by thousands of popular brands across the globe to bring their products to customer shelves and consumer hands.

ERP for Apparel and Textiles
Auswahl an verschiedenen Weingläsern

Wine and Spirits

Wine and Spirits

Wine and spirits distribution companies have unique wholesale requirements

Our distribution software is built with wine and spirits specific functionality from the start. We know the best way to handle every aspect of your supply chain, including managing bill-backs, compliance and regulatory requirements, and reporting.

ERP for Wine and Spirits

All You Need in One Cloud-Based Solution

Built as a consumer goods-focused ERP software solution, Aptean Distribution ERP provides your business with the solution tools needed to connect your teams together, making your supply chain more efficient and your business more profitable.

Zwei Frachtschiffe auf dem Ozean.

Import Management

Achieve precise order fulfillment to get your customers the right products at the right time. Shipment, vessel and container tracking, and management tools provide visibility of incoming inventory and automatically tracks and calculates your landed costs.

Read more about import management
Eine Person, die einen Laptop in einer Fabrik der Lieferkette benutzt.

Profitability Scorecard

Understand your true profitability—with full inventory control, including the picking and putaway of goods, managing chargebacks, customer automatic accruals and EDI fees with enhanced tracking—see the profitability of each customer, product and supplier.

Read more about profitability scorecard
Tablet mit Diagrammen
Mann mit Schutzhelm und Tablet in einer Lagerhalle.

Warehouse Management

Our distribution ERP includes built-in warehouse management tools allowing for improved management of inventory, including receiving, picking and putaway of goods.

Read more about warehouse management
Stapel von Holzpaletten
Ein Mann sieht sich das Inventar in einer Fabrik an, während er ein Tablet hält.

Forecasting and Planning

Aptean Distribution ERP distribution resource planning (DRP) and forecasting tools integrate point-of-sale data, customer demand forecasts, historical sales trends, seasonality, supplier lead times and more to help you optimize purchasing decisions.

Read more about forecasting and planning
Laptop auf dem Schoß eines Mannes
Person, die in einem Rechenzentrum steht

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

Our solution takes the complex process of creating a product and gives you the tools to coordinate the work of multiple teams to ensure that each task is done on time. Manage workflow from concept to product within a fully integrated ERP system.

Read more about product lifecycle management
Ein Mann, der kleine Holzklötze vor dem Herunterfallen bewahrt.

Chargeback Management

Manage your chargebacks—the fees that retailers charge to suppliers, often due to errors. Through improved tracking and better maintaining related records, you can reduce the number of chargebacks you incur and recover erroneous charges.

Read more about chargeback management
Ein Ball, der aus Gummibändern besteht.
Menschen, die Daten in Geschäftskleidung betrachten.

Financials and Accounting

The Aptean Distribution ERP system brings simplicity to the bottom line when used as the primary general ledger and accounting tool for accounts payable and receivable.

Read more about financials and accounting
Diagramme auf einem Tablet
Ein Bild mit mehreren Verkehrsmitteln und einem Mann, der ein Tablet hält.

Transportation and Logistics

With shipping tools—including route management, dynamic routing, BOLS (bill of lading) and packing slips—Aptean Distribution ERP allows consumer goods importers and distributors to bring a new level of organization and oversight to your operations.

Read more about transportation and logistics
Stapel von Kisten
Frau am Computer in einem Büro.

Analytics and Reporting

Aptean Distribution ERP provides relevant and valuable business intelligence, powered by Microsoft Power BI, on profitability, financial data, sales figures, operational reports and compliance reporting.

Read more about analytics and reporting
Daten auf einem Mobiltelefon.

Don’t see your industry segment?

No matter which consumer goods industry you operate in, we have the tailored functionality needed to streamline your operations.

Sind Sie bereit, Ihr Unternehmen grundlegend zu verändern?

Wir bieten Ihnen die spezialisierten ERP-Lösungen, die Sie für die Herausforderungen Ihrer Branche benötigen.
